Sunday, July 05, 2020

1968 Senior Class President Prank Was Actually A Microcosm Of Political Life

Highlands High School
In 1968 when I was in the sophomore class at my high school, the seniors who were in charge of the student government decided it would be a great prank to nominate the nerdiest and scrawniest senior boy as this year's class president. By doing this, they were collectively thumbing their noses against the establishment.

In those days it was a great honor to be the Senior Class President, and usually reserved for the schools’ sports champion, or honor student.

Vietnam War - Tet Offensive 1968

But in 1968 the United States was fighting the Vietnam War, the unpopular US President was Nixon, and 18 year old boys were facing The Draft aka Selective Service for mandatory military conscription.

Riots in Cincinnati at
Rockdale Ave 1968

This was also a year of racial riots and tensions.  So peaceful protesting, and not-so-peaceful protesting, and fighting authority was in vogue and my school was taking up the banner.

Steve For Class President

Posters and handbills were printed for this candidate, and students were encouraged to vote for “Steve”. A big debate was staged in the school’s auditorium and attended by the entire student body.

1968 Seniors

The legitimate opposition candidate gave a speech expressing what she would do to improve school spirit and the student body. Then a nervous Steve was ushered out to give his speech, which had been written for him by some of the other boys that were promoting his nomination.

1968 Class President?
I have no recollection of what the fellow said, but his words were cheered on by the entire student body, although we all knew he was put there as a joke. The teachers and administration were all shaking their heads, but the seniors had come up with a legitimate way of appointing their man, much to the dismay of those in power. And the administration was powerless to stop it.

I really felt bad for the guy, as did many of my friends. But I wonder if Steve felt the same way, or perhaps this the greatest thing that ever happened to him up to this point in his life. Steve readily won the election and served his term, though I don’t recall any changes to the school.

At the time I thought this whole prank was just awful, but I have come to the realization this was a microcosm of life. This was how politics in the United States works. The 1968 Senior Class was ahead of their time. Hat's off to you!

Political Puppets

Those in power create a puppet they can control, put him in front of the public, put words in his or her mouth, and create a media blitz to let the citizens and the world know to "Vote For Our Candidate" and defeat the man in power. (We can't control him.)

Biden for Puppet President

Joe Biden is this year's puppet. He is 2020's "Steve".  Biden has been in politics for over 50 years, and has accomplished very little. His biggest accomplishment was becoming vice president.

Hunter Biden and His Father

Even in that position he screwed the pooch by using his nepotism to get his son a cushy and lucrative job, by promising secured government loans to The Ukraine.

Joe Biden claims in recent television ads to have cured Ebola, but the Obama administration's dealings with diseases did not go well.

In 2009 the world experienced a viral pandemic of the H1N1 Influenza that had started in Mexico. President Obama made a speech and declared a national health emergency.

Biden 2009
Joe Biden went on The Today Show and advised that people should not fly in an airplane or ride the subway. This angered the airline industry, and by 4 pm that same day White House officials held a press conference backing off Biden and Obama's words.

During these days there were vaccine shortfalls, and political fights over funding.

In October of 2015, the Obama administration deployed medical and military personal to West Africa to help contain the spread of Ebola, and treat those affected. The 3000 personal were withdrawn at the end of April 2016.

Ron Klain and Joe Biden 2009

Joe Biden's claim to have cured Ebola amounts to his appointment of former Vice Presidential Chief of Staff, Ron Klain as Ebola Czar to oversee health security in the United States and help stem the outbreak of the disease in West Africa. As far as his claim that he saved millions of lives from Ebola, Brietbart News states this claim is FALSE.

Creepy Joe

Biden has also been photographed touching and kissing women and girls in inappropriate manners. All this is swept aside by the puppet masters. We are distracted from any negativity generated by the man. Just watch the puppet.

Joe Biden Struggling To Speak
Perhaps the saddest thing is the obvious signs of Joe Biden’s mental deterioration. I do not know if he has onset Alzheimer s disease, or some other brain issue, but when he talks in public his sentences are incoherent.

Essentially Biden is this years puppet, and is controlled by those in power in the Democratic Party.

The media asserts he is winning in the polls, and will definitely be the next president.

If this is true, God help us!

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