Looking only at the "Christian Warriors" segment has already raised endless controversy and discussion.
Starting with the interviews and comments about Rev. Jerry Falwell it is plain to see that he was afforded a title and a legendary status that he may not really have earned nor wanted. He was often referred to as the father of the conservative Christian right.
It can be argued that few have contributed more than Rev. Falwell to the movement to restore faith in America. Yet even he would warn that it was not him but the founding fathers that connected America’s politics to Biblical principles in the forming of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Almost no attention was paid to the Christian principles America was founded on and that left the report in doubt at best. Falwell addressed the downward slide America has been on from the mid sixties to now through the founding of the "Moral Majority" and in the creation of "Regents University."
Conspicuously missing was any allusion to the fact that Americas very roots and foundation came from biblical beliefs and practices. At best Rev. Falwell only reminded us from whence we came.
The report went on to reveal the divisions among believers about social issues and matters like global warming. A great deal of attention was given to the Rev. Richard Cizik who has formed a movement of Christians who ascribe to his "creation care" theology.
Cizik quotes bible passages about God’s commands to be good stewards of the earth’s resources and natural wonders. He urges believers to jump onboard the "green train" and says that the bible is all about saving the earth. He has gotten his share of flak from his own National Association of Evangelicals and other Christian notables such as Dr. James Dobson.
The Christian portion of the 3 part series emphasises the loudest, but perhaps not the best examples of men and women of faith. But perhaps that is what Jesus meant when He said that the meek would inherit the earth. There are plenty of humble prayer warriors that go unnoticed that Ms. Amanpour could have sought out. However I doubt a visit to a monestary or a prayer vigil of the faithful would make for exciting television viewing.
She of course is referring to the story of the gentile prophet Balaam that was sent by the Moabite King, Balak, to curse the Jewish people. Balaam saddled up his "ass" (female donkey - a jennet or osson in Hebrew - what we would call a Jenny in Kentucky). Balaam set about riding to pronounce his curse. The donkey saw God's Angel standing in the road and eventually God spoke through the donkey's mouth. Balaam listened to God's Word and had a change of heart.
Though I digress, it does not matter who presents information about the Truth or how it is presented, the bottom line is that the Word is heard.
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